Students: Are Your Valuables Well Enough Protected in A Dorm?

Student life can be full of ups and downs, but when you first move out of home and into a college dorm or apartment, it’s all about the excitement and endless possibilities for independence! What you may not have anticipated though, was the way in which it makes you feel about security, and going from a secure environment like your home, to one in which you share your space with strangers, can be a little worrying.

Whatever personal possessions you take with you to college, you’re going to want to keep them secure, whether it be medication, your phone, or cash. One of the most effective ways to keep items of value and importance secure in such a setting as a dorm, is to store them in a safe.

Don’t let worries about security get you down (after all, you’ll never get your college years back again) and invest in a safe to store your personal, valuable or important items in. Need a little more convincing? Here goes:

Theft is common in dorm environments

Even if your fellow students are trustworthy and would never steal from you, how can you be certain about all the other people that come and go in college environments? Friends of friends, family members, or even someone looking to rob from students who has managed to get past security and onto your dorm. While you don’t want to be suspicious of everyone, it’s also true that with so many people under one roof, theft may be all too common.

Your belongings will be far more secure in a safe, than they would be in a cardboard box under your bed, and storing the following items in a safe will enable you to get on with your studies (or partying) stress-free, and not leave you looking over your shoulder all the time, or wondering who you can and can’t trust:

  • Cash
  • Tech: phone or laptop
  • Keys
  • Medications
  • Important documents
  • Jewelry

If possible, have the safe bolted to the floor, but you’ll need to check whether your residence hall will allow it.

Should investing in a safe not be a possibility, try to limit the valuable and personal items that you take with you to college, and instead keep them stored in a safe at your parents home. That way, you can still access them should you need to, but they’re not at risk of being stolen by anyone on campus.

Don’t let theft spoil your college experience by locking your valuable items away in a safe. To discuss the type of safe that might best suit your needs, drop into your local safe showroom and talk to the experts there.